Modify Cavi Quantum argentati a bassa resistenza
Modify Cavi Quantum argentati a bassa resistenza
electric switch for gear box version 2 with silver cables
electric switch for gear box version 2 with silver cables
it could come with transparent heat-shrink sheath as in the photo or colored
Modify Cavi Quantum argentati a bassa resistenza
male and female T PLUG connectors. improves current conduction compared to the Tamiya connector
Guarder - Switch Assembly for AK-47S - GE-07-28
Extension cable for TITAN V3 users who have battery in buttstock.
Length: 30cm [118 inch]
Lonex Cablaggio V2 Anteriore completo di switch
New Vega force company bbs
extremely precise bbs, they have minimum tolerances, highly recommended on high ROF, precision rods from 6.01
furthermore we recommend the use of these pellets on all high quality and construction precision replicas
Pack of 1 kg with 4000 bb
Extrema spingipallino M4, M16 con OR, studiati per migliorare precisione, potenza e gittata
Airsoft Xcortech X3200 MK3 Chronograph Handheld Computer, Myglior entry level chrono on the market
The second generation cylinder head in ergal with two large sealing O-rings (TC02A) is designed to ensure high and durable performance for airsoft replicas of the M4, M16, SR16, MP5, MC51, G3, MINIMI, and LR300 series