VSR10 S-TRIGGER SET Action Army Marui compatible
VSR10 S-TRIGGER SET Action Army marui compatible
The second generation of the successful trigger mechanism for rifles VSR system. List of improvements can be found below.
Durable and reliable trigger mechanism is basic premise for a successful upgrade sniper rifle. Stock supplied trigger mechanism is sufficient for basicsprings. But when you use stronger springs, significantly increases possibility of the damage. Unfortunately you can`t avoid this even with cheap alloy triggers. Only steel machined mechanism can ensure the greatest durability.
Rifles working on a system Marui VSR or AWS have very bad piston catch system. It is capturing only a small edge and angle of 45 degrees. This issufficient for relatively basic weak spring, but can`t hold stronger springs. In addition, 45 degree system lift piston end and cause jam in the cylinder.
We bring new CNC metal trigger mechanism with an entirely different solution. It holds piston at 90 degrees. (Some customers call it Zero Trigger).Surface is larger and can hold stronge springs.
Basic facts:
Version 2 improvements:
This high quality trigger set is dedicated for Marui AWS rifles and Well copies MB44xx. (For example MB4401,02,03,04,10,11,12) . Not suitable for VSR series or M24.
Packing include trigger mechanism, spring guide stopper and screws. No gun modification required.